Gabrielle S. Awe
Writer, podcaster, sometimes half-assed artist. I’ve written 3 YA Fantasy novels, two of which I think are actually good enough to pitch to agents, and I have a treasure trove of short stories that I’m narrating for my podcast Stories in the Dark. I like strong women, clever men, diversity in fiction, settings that are heavy on mood and tone, and all things dark and creepy – and yet still full of hope and glimpses of light. I believe in transformation, redemption, straight talk, and characters who inspire readers that it is, in fact, possible to both do better and be better.
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Post 3
Suspendisse porttitor dolor sed est aliquet, at scelerisque lorem elementum. Praesent facilisis vulputate viverra. Nam congue lectus et purus eleifend sagittis. Donec vel laoreet lacus, nec efficitur sem. Quisque non urna cursus, euismod odio egestas, cursus diam....
Post 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut at mollis velit, at auctor quam. Praesent et varius purus. Vestibulum id nunc odio. Praesent consectetur, neque ut dignissim finibus, orci diam finibus ipsum, id interdum elit augue non risus. Sed faucibus,...
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